The Rules of Conduct for the SHINBUKAN KURODA DOJO Members include the
1. Any and all Katas (forms) that you will learn will be taught to you
first directly by GRANDMASTER Kuroda. This is to ensure that the Katas
are taught in their original correct form.
2. Please refrain from practicing any Katas (forms) that you have not been
taught previously by GRANDMASTER Kuroda, unless you have received prior
permission from him to do so.
3. It is expressly prohibited for all disciples to instruct any beginning
students without permission that has been previously granted by our GRANDMASTER.
4.All disciples of SHINBUKAN must not teach, demonstrate or practice any
Katas with anyone that is not an acknowledged member of SHINBUKAN Kuroda
5. No one may perform or otherwise demonstrate the SHINBUKAN Kata in the
presence of the public unless there is prior permission that has been previously
granted by our GRANDMASTER.
6. Please refrain from making negative comments in reference to other forms
or styles of BUDO.
7. All members must endeavor to always put our thoughtful understanding
of SHINBUKAN to the best practical use in our daily life and to live peacefully
in society.
8. SHINBUKAN Disciples must conduct themselves as good role models in their
daily lives, in their work, and in the DOJO with others.
9. We must recognize and appreciate that every individual has a unique
purpose and reason for learning and practicing SHINBUKAN, and we must fully
respect and appreciate the fact that we all have different physical capabilities,
conditions and personal goals.
10. We must endeavor to always practice without bearing any form of grudge
or ill will toward others. The SHINBUKAN DOJO practice environment will
always promote friendly and effective learning together.
11. We must always endeavor to practice all Katas correctly as they have
been taught to us by our GRAND-MASTER.
12. We must cultivate our ability and strive to continuously improve our
skill and understanding every day and night.
Kuroda Tetsuzan